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Long Cel Flat Bottom Engraving Bits
  • Long Cel Flat Bottom Engraving Bits

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Long Cel Flat Bottom Engraving Bits


Codigo del articulo:EC-JL

  • Precio Unitario : $ 2.12 - 2.83/pc   (Aviso de Descuento)

    Precio de Mayoreo :
    • Cantidad (pcs) Descuento Amount/pc
      1. 1 - 10 0% $2.83
      2. 11 - 30 10% $2.55
      3. 31 - 60 18% $2.32
      4. 61 - 100 25% $2.12
    • ¿Necesitas más cantidades, por favor haga clic en Pedido al mayoreo
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  • Cantidad: pc(s) Costo Total : $2.83
  • Peso de Envio: 0.0lb (0.008kg) freightFlete

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Applicational materials: Mezzo rilievo on rosewood and hardwood. 

Series Engraving Tools Introduction:

Depending on market demand, we will provide you with a variety of cutters with different price and quality. Bellowing are five series of engraving tool. N, A, AA, AAA series are made from solid carbide(tungsten), and the other series is diamond cutters.

3A (AAA) Series

• This series bits are the most advanced tool at present, which was put out on May, 1st, 2009. Its materials are the best ones comparing with previous materials.

• Its abrasion resistance and break resistance are largely improved.

• As for the process technique, AAA series is more professional, which is mainly applied for acrylic, plastic, MDF, hardwood, PC, ABS, PVC, aluminum, copper, stainless steel and so on.

AA Series

• Be made from ultra-micron tungsten steel.

• It’s a kind of precise engraving tools with high quality.

• Featuring hardness of 94 HRC and super resistance to bend, its resistance to rub and stability are superior to other solid carbide materials.

• Because of the high cost of the materials, the longest SHK of this series is 6mm. With the patent polishing process; the cutting tools are very sharp.

• Engraving tools are excellent in engraving aluminum, stainless steel, steel.

• Mills are excellent in processing rate and quality among acrylic, MDF and aluminum.

• AA series is the top engraving tools consequent to A series after great investment and three years’ design, development and improvement. Its quality is superior to European and American ones.

A Series

• Adopts K200 Micro grain solid carbide

• A series is a kind of cutting tools targeted at low-cost high-quality, customers who have used these tools are all amazed by its high efficiency and high benefits.

N Series

• N series is a kind of popular engraving tools adopts K10 micro grain solid carbide.

• Put out by our factory in the early days. With engraving measurement and outstanding sales achievements, its excellent quality and low price meet the engraving need of most customers.

Diamond Series

• Diamond engraving tools are designed and developed to cut aluminum, brass, steel, acrylic and marble.

• It has great hardness, abrasive resistance and processing quality, which can not be substituted by solid carbide.

• The price is competitive higher than other cutters.



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